Providence Meeting community members keep the meeting ministry alive by our involvement in leadership and on committees.
Care and Counsel Committee provides pastoral care for meeting members and attenders. The Committee responds to inquiries for membership and transfers from other monthly meetings. Clearness committees are arranged by this committee. This committee supports concerns about membership, marriage, and other requests for assistance.
Contact the Care and Counsel Committee
Climate Crisis Committee was formed at Providence Monthly Meeting in 2021 to help fulfill PMM and PYM’s commitment to address climate change, to promote increased awareness in our Meeting about climate issues, to educate our Meeting on how, locally, we can reduce our carbon footprints, and to help identify opportunities for witnessing to our faith in creating a more sustainable society. Global Warming turned into Climate Change which has evolved into a Climate Crisis - where will we be next year? Click here for more details about what we are working on.
Contact the Crisis Climate Committee
Communications Committee coordinates the Meeting's communication channels. These include the newsletter, the calendar of events and activities, the website, paper mailings, email, social media, and the display boards in the meetinghouse.
Contact the Communications Committee
Finance Committee prepares the annual budget of the Meeting and recommends it to the Meeting for approval. Operating budget items are generally allocated to the various Committees, and they can operate within their budget item to accomplish their mission. The Treasurer implements day-to-day finances of the operating budget, pays bills, etc. The Finance Committee offers oversight to this activity. The Treasurer, acting as an agent for the Trustees and with advice from the Trustees, also manages the various other funds and investments of the Meeting, exercising good fiduciary principles. The Finance Committee also administers the Meeting’s Scholarship Fund.
Graveyard Committee manages the maintenance and operation of the graveyard by coordinating burials, issuing certificates of ownership and assisting families and burial services in locating lots and burial sites.
Contact the Graveyard Committee
Landscape Committee oversees the care and maintenance of trees and other plantings around the Meeting’s grounds. The Landscape Committee cooperates with the Property and Graveyard Committees in the overall upkeep of the grounds. Contact the Landscape Committee
Library Committee cares for the Meeting’s collection of books, selects and acquires new books to keep the library current, and provides information about the library and host programs to encourage its use by all members of the community.
Life Center Dinners Committee prepares full dinners for those people who live at the Life Center of Delaware County, as part of a group of 30-40 faith communities in Delaware County. This twenty-five year project has assured there is dinner each night for those who live at the Life Center. We also work with other resources for justice work around food insecurity.
Contact the LCD Committee
Memorial Committee extends the sympathy of the Meeting to families at the time of a death. The Committee guides arrangements for a memorial meeting for worship, if one is requested.
Contact the Memorial Committee
Nominating Committee proposes names of persons to serve as Providence leadership and works to find volunteers for our committees. We strive to bring each community member into the service of the Meeting. Service to Providence bonds our community. If there is a committee that you have interest in,
Contact the Nominating Committee.
Parking Committee assists with parking as needed at Meeting and outside events. They coordinate with other committees as necessary.
Program and Outreach Committee supports other Committees in planning events and also arranges refreshments after Meeting for Worship by scheduling volunteers. The Committee coordinates programs in order to share Quaker information and experiences with the larger community. The Committee maintains the Meeting directory.
Contact the Program and Outreach Committee
Property Committee oversees the maintenance meetinghouse and grounds. The committee makes recommendations to the Business Meeting for approval. The Committee works cooperatively with the Landscape and Graveyard Committees to ensure uniformity in the upkeep of the entire Meeting property.
Contact the Property Committee
Racial Justice Committee strives to build a pluralist, anti-racist community that encourages participation and leadership among all Friends, and supports and elevates partners and community members most affected by racism and bias.
Contact the Racial Justice Committee
Religious Education and Childcare Committee provides qualified childcare for children under five years old during Meeting for Worship and advises the Meeting’s religious education program for children. The Committee also carries out the Meeting’s concern to develop pathways for spiritual discovery for young people in the Meeting and to promote their knowledge and understanding of the faith and practice of Quakers.
Contact the Religious Education And Childcare Committee
Reparations Committee has a focused purpose to build relationships and identify needs in the local community, find opportunities where reparations work is needed, and engage in implementing the work.
Contact the Reparations Committee
Sandy Bank Burial Ground Committee oversees the maintenance and preservation of this inactive burial ground. The Committee researches burials, maintains documents and communicates historical information about Sandy Bank Burial Ground.
​Worship and Ministry Committee provides stewardship of Providence's Meeting for Worship and provides religious education for adults by sharing resources for the spiritual development of our community. The committee supports others in being sensitive to Divine promptings. Community members who feel they are in of need spiritual direction should feel free to
Contact the Worship and Ministry Committee.